Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I have a suggestion to my audience. I submit that the Listen to Franken/Scrawl notes/Blog/Comment/Respond to 25 different posts and growing is about to get completely out of control. I suggest that my audience select 5 or 10 topics to go back and forth on. If we reach resolution on a few, then maybe move on to others.

I suggest we set aside a few things as resolved.

Rove's campaign tactics are very, very sleazy. Spreading lies about your opponent in a way that indicates it wasn't you spreading them is indefensible. We can still argue about A) Whether certain groups were campaign surrogates and B) Whether a specific charge is in fact a lie.

Bush in 2004 didn't win a mandate for anything except continuing his policies in the War on Terror. His razor-thin majority was and is held together by the War on Terror and pretty much nothing else.

Democrats have a large and growing political problem with churchgoing white people.

In 2001 (and maybe still), the Bush Administration foreign policy team didn't respect the Clinton foreign policy team.

The Clinton foreign policy team didn't say nearly as much about terrorism before 9/11 as they now claim to have said/known.

If we can set those five item aside, we can pick five items of disagreement, and start arguing productively. Or at least more productively.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mommy was sent home from work early because of freezing rain, so she picked me up from daycare. You left your cellphone off, so I'm letting you know here that I'm already home, snug as a bug in a rug.


12:55 PM, December 07, 2005  

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