Sunday, December 04, 2005

"The Clintons told the Bushes all about it."

I call horse$#!+. Possibly, they told the Bushes privately that "We didn't understand the al-Qaeda threat until too late in our eight years to do much about it. We found out, and pretty soon you'll find out too." Even if they said this, they knew that the Bushes would dismiss this as the blatherings of international ingenues that had stumbled through eight years of low-level chaos in Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, the West Bank and Gaza, North Korea, Afghanistan and Sudan with no more clue than when they hopped off the turnip truck from Arkansas. If the Clinton folks were serious about al-Qaeda as a threat in 2001, they had a perfect opportunity to do something or at least make a bunch of noise in December 2000 when jihadists blew up the USS Cole. If they really wanted to sound an alarm about terrorism, they could have, well, sounded an alarm in 2001 when they were out of office. Cilnton, Albright, Berger and Holbrooke were still getting booked on the Sunday newsmaker shows. They could have gone on ABC with their homeboy Stephanopolous.

But they didn't. So as to post hoc charges that the Clintons knew and the Bushes didn't listen, that's partisan crap.

MAn, these always end up longer than I expect.


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