Friday, December 02, 2005

The thing about a Presidential Daily Brief is that there's one every day.

What is dishonest about the August 8 PDB hullaballoo is that there is a wide variety of threats, all of which could be a critical threat to American national security.

China's military buildup could challenge US hegemony in East Asia within 10 years. Globalization could spread diseases from humanity's original heartland in Africa throughout the industrialized world. Reports indicate active attempts by the Russian underworld to acquire and sell nuclear weapons grade materials. Terrorist mastermind is seeking to strike inside the United States and hijack planes. Narcoterrorists are increasingly carving out a ministate in Colombia. Drug cartels have penetrated Mexican law enforcement to a crippling degree. A half-dozen rogue nations have or have had advanced nuclear weapons projects. Some scientists predict that rising sea levels will render coastal areas uninhabitable by 2025.

As Tommy Lee Jones said in Men In Black "There's always an Alien Battle Cruiser...or a Korlian Death Ray, intergalactic plague about to wipe out life on this planet..." Which is why we had six Orange Alerts in 2004. Old School Emily Litella, It's always somethin'.

You could make a case that any of these threats should prompt a complete national mobilization before it's too late.

"They should have done what the Clinton Administration did when they got wind of the Millenium bombing plot."

Except that the Clinton Administration got confirmation of the Millenium bombing plot when one of the plotters was arrested two weeks before the millenium with a car trunk full of explosives. is the best link I can find right now.


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